martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Processes, Performance Drivers and ICT Tools in Human Resources Management

Human resource (HR) management.
Imagen relacionada

There are 6 keys qualities of an HR Manager:
1.- Organization.

2.- Problem Solving.

3.- Communication.

4.- Expertise.

5.- Leadership.

6.- Ethics.

HR Managers to be Accountable and/or Responsible for the Following Business Processes:

- Preparing and Reviewing

- Interviewing

- Managing

- Instituting

- Evaluating

- Establishing

- Designing

- Outplacement

 Resultado de imagen para human resources people

2 concepts.

Kaplan: Describes performance drivers in Balanced Scorecards (BSC) context.

Grundy and brown: Describes performance driver analysis as one of the methods for implementing HR strategy.

We need to 3 categories to to make distinction between performance drivers.

The improvements emergin from these performance drivers may include several.

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